The Body Diaries - in collaboration with Saar Rombout
Circus-meets-arts exhibition exploring themes of support and suspension when your mental and physical capacity is compromised.
"The intertwining of their personal and professional lives and their
willingness to share it with one another led them to
investigate the transformation and reformation of the
human (but also circus) body. Thus leading them to
create a new work they call BodyDiaries."
Our mission is to celebrate the unique
and shared experiences of the body. We believe in the power of
storytelling, art, and community to transcend through physical and
emotional challenges. We intend to create a space that embraces,
unifies, and amplifies the diverse voices within the circus community.
BodyDiaries is a collective ode to the
human experience. By sharing individual stories, we aim
to break the silence surrounding inevitable physical
changes in an environment that heavily relies on peak
physical abilities. Through these shared narratives, our
goal is to make the uncertain paths, unexpected
challenges and different realities of individuals seen,
heard and therefore more relatable, fostering a sense of
community, acceptance and support.